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 I am delighted to report that our new Online Program has been a great success. The students and I have both profited from the convenience and expanded scope of the online format.

We have eliminated weather and commuting interruptions, increased flexibility of scheduling classes and makeup sessions, and with instant access to state of the art literary and informational material and websites have been able to significantly broaden the scope of our learning and performance. Our ability to verify questionable sources and conduct on-the-spot intensive research when a subject is particularly interesting has enhanced both the student’s research skills and overall knowledge. 

The combination of Google Classroom and Google Docs has avoided problems of lost material and forgotten notebooks, and has been highly successful for assigning and tracking student work, allowing me to keep detailed, ongoing records of student performance.

Overall, the new online format has frequently led to significant improvement in language arts scores and performance in school.


Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you prefer to continue your child's regular schedule or need to change to another day/time. As usual, students currently enrolled in TWLC will have first choice of available time slots. 

For my new students, welcome to the program! Please let me know times/days that would suit your child's schedule. I will accommodate your requests as best I can on a first come, first served basis. 

As always, I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached  via email at twlc.zoekharpertian@gmail.com or by calling 201 213-6858,

I encourage you and your children to check the website regularly for updates.


Victor Huang's exciting memoir, coming soon! 
New developments in our Online Programs!